Charlie Little is an interesting character. She's a fighter, but I don't think it comes natural to her. I think the reason she continues to move forward is because she doesn't want to let down those around her. She's still young, only seventeen, and has much to learn about the way of the world. It doesn't help that her world is such a dangerous place to exist.

But, if I had to say of whom in the Zeitgeist she reminds me, I probably wouldn't choose Taylor. Personally, I'm rather passive-aggressive myself, and would be more likely to turn to snark to assert my independence, but that's not Charlie.
Likewise, Miley likes the spotlight. I don't think Charlie wants to stand out. She's got a pretty big secret to hide.
Hmmm...she might be more like Selena Gomez, confident in who she is, able to find her way without forgetting her values.

Then again, she is a fictional character. One that I'd like to share with the world. If you or someone you know likes a good deal, for a limited time (through December), The Mercy Series Box Set 1 will be available for $.99. Inside you'll find Edge of Mercy (Book 1), Heart of Mercy (Book 2), and Range of Mercy (A Mercy Series Short Story). Maybe you could decide for yourself whom Charlie resembles.
Happy Reading and Writing!
C. C. Marks
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